A. Orenstein, Diop S. (2022) ” Using Sentinel 2 images to quantify agricultural encroachment in Burkina Faso’s protected livestock reserves” , The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
L. Boudinaud, Orenstein A. (2021) “ Assessing cropland changes from violent conflict in central Mali with Sentinel-2 and Google Earth Engine” , The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
E. Fillol, Ham F., Orenstein A. (2017) “Un système d’information et de modélisation de la vulnérabilité pastorale pour la gestion et la prévention des crises au Sahel”. Revue de l’elevage et médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux, Vol.73, 2020 numéro thématique “écologie pastorale”
Grey Literature
A. Orenstein (2024). “Participatory Transhumance Mapping in Somalia“, CARE Somalia
Orenstein, A., & Liebig, T. (2022). Tailoring the climate security observatory to livestock-related conflicts, CGIAR
Orenstein, A., Moraly M. & Diop S (2021) “Integrating Remote Sensing into Household Economy Analysis“, Overseas Tech for Save the Children
Orenstein, A & Diop S (2021) “Analyse de l’évolution des terres cultivées dans les zones pastorales de Sondré Est et de Niassa par imagerie satellitaire“, HSS for SNV World
A. Orenstein (2018) “Early Warning and Preparedness in the Sahel“, ACF Learning Review, Action Against Hunger UK
Orenstein A, Cabanes P & Lambert M (2018) “Situation Pastorale dans le Ferlo
Sénégalais 2018-2019“, Action Against Hunger
A. Orenstein (2017)“How EO data is used for humanitarian response”, Flemish Insitute of Technology (VITO)
Biomass Reports
Reports written for Action Contre la Faim’s Early Warning System in West Africa as regional drought alerts. These reports include an analysis of vegetation production, targeting of areas likely to have biomass deficits and the outlook for the coming dry season.
2018 Sahel Biomass Report, Action Contre la Faim, 2018
2017 Sahel Biomass Report, Action Contre la Faim, 2017
2016 Sahel Biomass Report, Action Contre la Faim 2016
2015 Sahel Biomass Report, Action Contre la Faim 2016
2014 Sahel Biomass Report, Action Contre la Faim, 2014