
Trainings offered in GIS, data analysis, database management, disaster risk reduction, drought monitoring, survey design

Software training: QGIS, R, Excel, PostGIS, Geoserver

GIS : Earth observation, remote sensing, web-mapping, cartography, enterprise GIS solutions

Survey Management: Design, implementation, mobile survey toolkit, polling

Working languages: English, French

Areas of Expertise

Pastoralism: Years of work developing tools to track herd movements across the Sahel and using remote sensing tools to assess pasture and water. Extensive experience working with government agencies (veterinary services, ministries of livestock), INGOs and producer cooperatives.

Food Security: Experience in agricultural studies, needs assessments, drought monitoring and emergency response. Served as a technical advisor to the Ministry of Agriculture of Côte d’Ivoire from 2011-2012, specifically working on analyses of rice production. Experience in using remote sensing to map areas of crop produciton.

Elections: Data analytics provided for local elections in the United States at the local and state level in Florida, Maryland, Illinois, Texas and Massachusetts

Disaster Risk Reduction: Six years as the West Africa Disaster Risk Reduction Advisor for Action Contre la Faim. Work included developing contingency plans, vulnerability assessments and resilience programming.